CobiTel ÜsS-EVs 11 CN

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Permanent overvoltage protection in EVs
Permanent overvoltage protection is essential in telecommunication and telephone network today. With our ÜsS-EVs 11 CN our engineers developed a new closure that is made for requirements in DSLAM- and MSAN- system technology. It contains a permanent overvoltage protection and is already released for usage in the network of Deutsche Telekom.
As a 72- and 96-DA-Version that are available with and without system cables the closure includes LSA-HD®-P- connector block with its overvoltage protection and is made for closing system cables coming from MSAN. The closure can be installed in multifunctional enclosures and connection cabinets with telecommunication inlets (bar distance 120mm).
For installing into 19“- or ETSI-frames there are fitting installation frames available. LSA-HD®-P-bars with were specially improved for the requirements of system technology. For telecommunication cables with a counting method of 10-DA the known LSA-HD®-bars of the same product line should still be used.
The LSA-HD®-P-overvoltage protection hopper is used for digital and analogue telecommunication networks. In case of continuous overloading the integrated fail safe secures a short circuit to earth.